Community Information
About Meeker County
Meeker County is in West Central Minnesota with a total population of just over 23,000. The predominant racial makeup is White at 94.3% followed by Hispanic at 3.8% of the population. There are many lakes and ponds in Meeker County as well as productive agricultural land.
Manufacturing employs the largest number of residents in Meeker County. The median income for families in the county is around $48,000. Manufacturing and other businesses indicate that they have more jobs available than they have qualified workers. At times the lack of quality child care hampers hiring additional staff.
Research conducted by the University of Minnesota ranks Meeker County 70th of the 87 counties in the availability of child care. Parents report that they have the most difficulty in obtaining a place for an infant in a licensed child care program. Meeker County Social Services data shows that there were about 46 licensed family child care providers in 2014, data from DHS from early June 2019 indicated that that number has dropped to 28 licensed family child care programs. As of early June it is estimated that there is a need for 279 additional licensed child care slots for children under the age of 5 in Meeker County whose parents are working.